Saturday, January 1, 2011

Hello 2011

Yep, I've got a whole list this year.  Last year I resolved to try a new recipe every month.  In my defense, I did try new things last year.  There were a few that were such abysmal failures that they never made it on the blog.  This year, I'm recognizing that intention and setting the tone is every bit as important as actually being 100% successful with your resolutions, so here goes.  In 2011, I plan to:
  1. Cook more with real food, and less with anything in a package.
  2. Actively look for products with less packaging, so that there is less in the waste-stream.
  3. Reduce my plastic footprint.
  4. Before making a purchase, ask myself these questions:
    • Can I really afford it?
    • Do I really need it?
    • If I can afford it, but don’t really need it, just want it, how much do I really want it?  What am I willing to give up to have it?
  5. Be a little more thoughtful and a little less reactionary.
  6. Smile a little more and preach a little less. 
  7. Worry less about whether my jeans are the right style for this year (really? Bootcutskinnyjeanslowriserelaxedfitstonewash? My only question is do they fit.  If they do, we’re all good.)
  8. Dance more often
  9. Sing even when I don’t know all the words
  10. Take the weather with me.